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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

Model Details Page

Sequence Information

Primary Database Link P23538
Original Database ID TR PPSA_ECOLI
Organism Escherichia coli
Annotation phosphoenolpyruvate synthase (ec (pyruvate, water dikinase)de
(pep sy nthase)
Sequence Length 791

Dataset Information:

The newest dataset for this sequence was created on 2004-10-12. If you think that a better template has been added to the template database since, you can start a new calculation.

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Model Information

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Target Region5-791
Protein Length791
Template PDB Code1h6zA
Template Region2-895
Sequence Identity23%
ModPipe VersionModPipe1.0
Model Date2004-10-12

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Template Structure
PDB1h6zmol_id: 1; molecule: pyruvate phosphate dikinase; chain: a; ec:; engineered: yes ; PFAM: PF00391 PF01326 PF02896 ; SCOP: 70906 70907 70908
CATH3.30.1490.20 Domain: 1h6zA01 ATP-grasp fold, A domain (100%)
CATH1.10.189.10 Domain: 1h6zA02 Pyruvate Phosphate Dikinase, domain 2 (100%)
CATH3.50.30.10 Domain: 1h6zA03 Phosphohistidine domains of PEP-utilising enzymes (100%)
CATH3.20.20.60 Domain: 1h6zA04 Phosphoenolpyruvate-binding domains (99%)
CATH1.20.80.30 Domain: 1h6zA05 Acyl-CoA Binding Protein (100%)
CATH3.30.470.20 Domain: 1h6zA06 ATP-grasp fold, B domain (100%)
Target Sequence
UniProtKBP23538Phosphoenolpyruvate synthase (EC (Pyruvate, water dikinase)DE (PEP synthase)