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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

Model Details Page

Sequence Information

Primary Database Link Q92612
Original Database ID gi 6685621
Organism Homo sapiens
Annotation recname: full=mitogen-activated
protein kinase kinase kinase 4;ec=;altn
ame: full=mapk/erk kinase kinase
4;short=mek kinase 4;short=mekk
4;al ...
Sequence Length 1607

Dataset Information:

The newest dataset for this sequence was created on 2008-07-11. If you think that a better template has been added to the template database since, you can start a new calculation.

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Information for additional models of this sequences are available by clicking on the model thumbnails below.  

Model Information

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Target Region1341-1601
Protein Length1607
Template PDB Code3ckxA
Template Region8-260
Sequence Identity32%
ModPipe Version
Model Date2008-07-11

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Mutation Data
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Template Structure
PDB3ckxcrystal structure of sterile 20-like kinase 3 (mst3, stk24) in complex with staurosporine
CATH3.30.200.20 Domain: 3ckxA01 Phosphorylase Kinase; domain 1 (96%)
CATH1.10.510.10 Domain: 3ckxA02 Transferase(Phosphotransferase) domain 1 (88%)
Target Sequence
UniProtKBQ9Y6R4.1M3K4_HUMAN RecName: Full=Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4; AltName: Full=MAPK/ERK kinase kinase 4; Short=MEK kinase 4; Short=MEKK 4; AltName: Full=MAP three kinase 1
UniProtKBQ9Y6R4RecName: Full=Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4;EC=;AltName: Full=MAPK/ERK kinase kinase 4;Short=MEK kinase 4;Short=MEKK 4;AltName: Full=MAP three kinase 1;
UniProtKBQ92612RecName: Full=Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4;EC=;AltName: Full=MAPK/ERK kinase kinase 4;Short=MEK kinase 4;Short=MEKK 4;AltName: Full=MAP three kinase 1;
GenPept7513141T03022 MAP kinase kinase kinase - human
GenPept6685621M3K4_HUMAN RecName: Full=Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4; AltName: Full=MAPK/ERK kinase kinase 4; Short=MEK kinase 4; Short=MEKK 4; AltName: Full=MAP three kinase 1
GenPept5803088 MAP/ERK kinase kinase 4, isoform a; SSK2/SSK22 MAP kinase kinase kinase, yeast, homolog of [Homo sapiens]
GenPept331630991Sequence 1161 from patent US 7919467
GenPept2352277MAP kinase kinase kinase
GenPept223088657Sequence 6673 from patent US 6812339
GenBankAAB68804.1 MAP kinase kinase kinase [Homo sapiens]