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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

Model Details Page

Sequence Information

Primary Database Link P56945
Original Database ID CU P56945
Organism Homo sapiens
Annotation recname: full=breast cancer anti-estrogen
resistance protein 1;altname:
full=crk -associated substrate;altname:
full=p130cas;altname: full=cas
scaffol ...
Sequence Length 870

Dataset Information:

The newest dataset for this sequence was created on 2007-08-06. If you think that a better template has been added to the template database since, you can start a new calculation.

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Information for additional models of this sequences are available by clicking on the model thumbnails below.  

Model Information

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or unreliable (red).
Target Region448-610
Protein Length870
Template PDB Code1z23A
Template Region546-708
Sequence Identity85%
E-Value 0
ModPipe VersionModPipe2.0
Model Date2007-08-06

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Mutation Data
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Template Structure
PDB1z23the serine-rich domain from crk-associated substrate (p130cas)
Target Sequence
UniProtKBP56945.1BCAR1_HUMAN RecName: Full=Breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance protein 1; AltName: Full=CRK-associated substrate; AltName: Full=p130cas; AltName: Full=Cas scaffolding protein family member 1
UniProtKBP56945RecName: Full=Breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance protein 1;AltName: Full=CRK-associated substrate;AltName: Full=p130cas;AltName: Full=Cas scaffolding protein family member 1;
GenPept8134339BCAR1_HUMAN RecName: Full=Breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance protein 1; AltName: Full=CRK-associated substrate; AltName: Full=p130cas; AltName: Full=Cas scaffolding protein family member 1
GenPept7656924 breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 1; Crk-associated substrate p130Cas [Homo sapiens]
GenPept7248381adaptor protein p130Cas
GenPept7159735breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 1 protein
GenPept306921659breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 1, partial
GenPept228316364Sequence 578 from patent US 7510850
GenPept223619718Sequence 352 from patent US 7485414
GenPept217115811Sequence 352 from patent US 7419779
GenPept119616060breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 1, isoform CRA_d
GenBankEAW95654.1 breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 1, isoform CRA_d [Homo sapiens]