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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

Model Details Page

Sequence Information

Primary Database Link A8K934
Original Database ID sp O14757
Organism Homo sapiens, synthetic construct, etc.
Annotation subname: full=cdna flj75501, highly
similar to homo sapiens chk1 checkpoint
homo log (s. pombe) (chek1), mrna;subname:
full=hcg2032701, isoform cra_b;
Sequence Length 476

Dataset Information:

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Model Information

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Target Region2-280
Protein Length476
Template PDB Code2hy0A
Template Region2-280
Sequence Identity100%
E-Value 0
TSVMod MethodNO3.5S
TSVMod NO350.999131
ModPipe Version2.0.2
Model Date2008-11-05

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Mutation Data
PharmGKB   PharmGKB data available for CHEK1
LS-SNP SNP Information available through LS-SNP
Template Structure
PDB2hy0crystal structure of chek1 in complex with inhibitor 22
CATH3.30.200.20 Domain: 2hy0A01 Phosphorylase Kinase; domain 1 (100%)
CATH1.10.510.10 Domain: 2hy0A02 Transferase(Phosphotransferase) domain 1 (100%)
Target Sequence
UniProtKBA8K934SubName: Full=cDNA FLJ75501, highly similar to Homo sapiens CHK1 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe) (CHEK1), mRNA;SubName: Full=HCG2032701, isoform CRA_b;
UniProtKBO14757RecName: Full=Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1;EC=;
UniProtKBO14757.1CHK1_HUMAN RecName: Full=Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1
UniProtKBA8K934RecName: Full=Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1;EC=;
RefSeqNP_001265.1 CHK1 checkpoint homolog [Homo sapiens]
GenPept60813254CHK1 checkpoint-like
GenPept5917611checkpoint kinase
GenPept568596761Sequence 18 from patent US 8597902
GenPept56583147Sequence 6 from patent US 6784343
GenPept60820161CHK1 checkpoint-like
GenPept61355062CHK1 checkpoint-like
GenPept61363248CHK1 checkpoint-like
GenPept62797916Sequence 1902 from patent US 6881575
GenPept6781583unnamed protein product
GenPept7531055CHK1_HUMAN RecName: Full=Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1
GenPept756374466Sequence 676 from patent US 8703930
GenPept53913588Sequence 2 from patent US 6723498
GenPept516169986Sequence 676 from patent US 8470798
GenPept4502803 CHK1 (checkpoint, S.pombe) homolog; Checkpoint, S. pombe, homolog of, 1 [Homo sapiens]
GenPept123999118CHK1 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe), partial
GenPept123988114CHK1 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe)
GenPept119588048hCG2032701, isoform CRA_b
GenPept13278882CHEK1 protein
GenPept15108429Sequence 16 from patent US 6211164
GenPept15110253Sequence 1 from patent US 6218109
GenPept158258535unnamed protein product
GenPept16609631unnamed protein product
GenPept17068397CHK1 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe)
GenPept389969709Sequence 676 from patent US 8193332
GenPept2687580protein kinase, partial
GenPept241659137unnamed protein product
GenPept21902510AF527555_1 CHK1 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe)
GenPept21511330Sequence 1 from patent US 6383744
GenPept17915766Sequence 1 from patent US 6307015
GenBankEAW67644.1 hCG2032701, isoform CRA_b [Homo sapiens]
GenBankABM87141.1 CHK1 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe) [synthetic construct]
GenBankABM83833.1 CHK1 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe) [synthetic construct]
GenBankAAX42360.1 CHK1 checkpoint-like [synthetic construct]
GenBankAAX41095.1 CHK1 checkpoint-like [synthetic construct]
GenBankAAX36525.1 CHK1 checkpoint-like [synthetic construct]
GenBankAAX36253.1 CHK1 checkpoint-like [synthetic construct]
GenBankAAH17575.1 CHK1 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe) [Homo sapiens]
GenBankAAH04202.1 CHEK1 protein [Homo sapiens]
GenBankAAC51736.1 Chk1 [Homo sapiens]
GenBankAAB88852.1 protein kinase [Homo sapiens]
GenBankAAM78553.1AF527555_1 CHK1 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe) [Homo sapiens]