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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

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157829783a chain a, novel stereospecificity of the l-arabinose-binding
Escherichia coli306
157837083a chain a, sugar-binding and crystallographic studies
of an arabinose- binding p rotein mutant (met108leu)
which exhibits enhanced affinity and altered specificity
Escherichia coli306
P02924recname: full=l-arabinose-binding periplasmic protein;short=abp;flags:
precursor ;
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
oxytoca, etc.
157830008a chain a, a pro to gly mutation in the hinge of the
arabinose-binding protein e nhances binding and alters
specificity: sugar- binding and crystallographic studies
Escherichia coli306