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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

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157830875a chain a, probing protein-protein interactions: the
ribose-binding protein in b acterial transport and
Escherichia coli271
10000562dri chain , d-ribose-binding protein complexed
with beta-d-ribose
Escherichia coli271
157830798a chain a, identical mutations at corresponding positions
in two homologous prot eins with non-identical effects
Escherichia coli271
157830874a chain a, probing protein-protein interactions: the
ribose-binding protein in b acterial transport and
Escherichia coli271
P02925.1rbsb_ecoli recname: full=d-ribose-binding periplasmic
protein; flags: precursor
Escherichia coli, Escherichia
coli K-12, etc.
145579471a chain a, rational stabilization of e. coli ribose
binding protein
3402104b chain b, d67r mutant of d-ribose-binding protein
from escherichia coli
Escherichia coli271