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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

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9954920a chain a, crystal structure of escherichia coli phytase
at ph 6.6 with hg2+ cat ion acting as an intermolecular
Escherichia coli410
40927unnamed protein product, partialEscherichia coli112
9954894b chain b, crystal structure of escherichia coli phytase
at ph 4.5 (no ligand bo und)
Escherichia coli410
A0A025G7C7subname: full=phosphoanhydride phosphorylase {eco:0000313|embl:eyv58625.1};Escherichia coli, Shigella boydii,
9954898a chain a, crystal structure of phytate complex escherichia
coli phytase at ph 5 .0. phytate is bound with its
3-phosphate in the active site. hg2+ cation acts as
an intermolecular bridge
Escherichia coli410