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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

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20664167a chain a, crystal structure of a mutant of muty catalytic
Escherichia coli225
P17802recname: full=a/g-specific adenine glycosylase;ec=3.2.2.-;Escherichia coli, Escherichia
fergusonii, etc.
27065216a chain a, crystal structure of the e161a mutant of
e.coli muty (core fragment)
Escherichia coli225
27065214a chain a, crystal structure of the k142r mutant of
e.coli muty (core fragment)
Escherichia coli225
55670671a chain a, catalytic domain of muty from escherichia
coli k142a mutant
Escherichia coli225
6137464a chain a, catalytic domain of muty from escherichia
coli, d138n mutant complexe d to adenine
Escherichia coli225
27065210a chain a, crystal structure of the k142q mutant of
e.coli muty (core fragment)
Escherichia coli225
55670672a chain a, catalytic domain of muty from escherichia
coli k20a mutant complexed to adenine
Escherichia coli225