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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

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49259081b chain b, crystal structure of e112qh136a double
mutant of 3-keto-l- gulonate 6 -phosphate decarboxylase
with bound l- threonohydroxamate 4-phosphate
Escherichia coli216
66360434b chain b, crystal structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate
6-phosphate decarboxylase e112 dr139vt169a mutant
with bound l- xylulose 5-phosphate
Escherichia coli216
49259078a chain a, crystal structure of e112q mutant of 3-keto-l-gulonate
6- phosphate d ecarboxylase with bound l-threonohydroxamate
4- phosphate
Escherichia coli216
66360430b chain b, structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6-phosphate
decarboxylase e112dt169a m utant with bound d-ribulose
Escherichia coli216
A0A029HCG3recname: full=3-keto-l-gulonate-6-phosphate decarboxylase
ulad {eco:0000256|hama p-rule:mf_01267};ec=
{eco:0000256|hamap-rule:mf_01267};altname: full=3-dehydro-l-gulonate-6-phosphate
Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae,