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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

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D7XX60subname: full=thiol:disulfide interchange protein
dsbg {eco:0000313|embl:efj8407 6.1};
Escherichia coli, Escherichia
coli K-12, etc.
146386810a chain a, crystal structure of dsbg t200m mutant237
146386814a chain a, crystal structure of dsbg v216m mutant237
50513941b chain b, crystal structure of the reduced protein
disulfide bond isomerase dsb g
Escherichia coli241
146386812a chain a, crystal structure of dsbg k113e mutant237
P77202recname: full=thiol:disulfide interchange protein
dsbg;flags: precursor;
Escherichia coli, Shigella boydii,