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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

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Search Input:database_id: Q15078
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Q15078recname: full=cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator
1;short=cdk5 activator 1;altna me: full=cyclin-dependent
kinase 5 regulatory subunit 1;altname: full=tpkii
regulatory subunit;contains:recname: full=cy
Callithrix jacchus, Cercocebus
atys, etc.
23200131e chain e, structure and regulation of the cdk5-p25(nck5a)
Homo sapiens147
320089836d chain d, crystal structure of cdk5:p25 in complex
with an atp analogue
56966262e chain e, structural mechanism for the inhibition
of cd5-p25 from the roscoviti ne, aloisine and indirubin
Homo sapiens208