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Search Input:database_id: Q6VAB6
Perform Action on Selected Model(s) : 56 matches found.
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Database AnnotationOrganismProtein
PDB Comment
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829715-815101212jkoA585-684focal adhesion kinase
catalytic domain in
complex with bis-anilino
pyrimidine inhibitor
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
950664-806143293cokA9-156crystal structure of
plk4 kinase
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829543-685143293cokA9-156crystal structure of
plk4 kinase
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens8291-3434445vykA138-171
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829536-810275221fpuB233-496crystal structure of
abl kinase domain in
complex with a small
molecule inhibitor
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829301-797497203pfqA112-583
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829537-810274231gjoA473-760the fgfr2 tyrosine kinase
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829540-689150336n3lA588-909
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829543-685143266b3eC725-880
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829532-8102791002y4iB653-931
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
950409-45749691kbeA330-378solution structure of
the cysteine-rich c1
domain of kinase suppressor
of ras
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829289-33547721kbeA331-377solution structure of
the cysteine-rich c1
domain of kinase suppressor
of ras
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829417-810394201qcfA141-519crystal structure of
hck in complex with
a src family-selective
tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
950626-931306181oplB207-515structural basis for
the auto-inhibition
of c-abl tyrosine kinase
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829279-33557301tbn95-150nmr structure of a protein
kinase c-g phorbol-binding
domain, minimized average
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
950472-609138101e57B59-186physalis mottle virus:
empty capsid
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
950670-806137362a19C271-435pkr kinase domain- eif2alpha-
amp-pnp complex.
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829538-823286251mqbA606-887crystal structure of
ephrin a2 (epha2) receptor
protein kinase
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829372-804433151omwA36-448crystal structure of
the complex between
g protein-coupled receptor
kinase 2 and heterotrimeric
g protein beta 1 and
gamma 2 subunits
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829289-33648711kbeA331-378solution structure of
the cysteine-rich c1
domain of kinase suppressor
of ras
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829514-810297211oplB216-515structural basis for
the auto-inhibition
of c-abl tyrosine kinase
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829291-797507213pfqA101-583
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829372-753382161omwA36-391crystal structure of
the complex between
g protein-coupled receptor
kinase 2 and heterotrimeric
g protein beta 1 and
gamma 2 subunits
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829288-33649691kbfA330-378solution structure of
the cysteine-rich c1
domain of kinase suppressor
of ras
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens8291-3535402lpeA136-170
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
950410-45647721kbeA331-377solution structure of
the cysteine-rich c1
domain of kinase suppressor
of ras
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
950410-45647721kbfA331-377solution structure of
the cysteine-rich c1
domain of kinase suppressor
of ras
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
950645-910266262vd5A50-319structure of human myotonic
dystrophy protein kinase
in complex with the
bisindoylmaleide inhibitor
bim viii
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829536-700165274uynA126-308
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829543-685143293cokA9-156crystal structure of
plk4 kinase
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829289-33547721kbeA331-377solution structure of
the cysteine-rich c1
domain of kinase suppressor
of ras
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829537-684148292np8A127-276structural basis for
the inhibition of aurora
a kinase by a novel
class of high affinity
disubstituted pyrimidine
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829505-808304272c0tA199-491src family kinase hck
with bound inhibitor
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829268-33568261r79A6-77solution structure of
the c1 domain of the
human diacylglycerol
kinase delta
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829289-33547721kbeA331-377solution structure of
the cysteine-rich c1
domain of kinase suppressor
of ras
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
Q6VAB6.2ksr2_human recname: full=kinase
suppressor of ras 2; short=hksr2
Pan paniscus, Pan
troglodytes, etc.
950480-628149132uzpA0-293crystal structure of
the c2 domain of human
protein kinase c gamma.
33638256kinase suppressor of ras-2Homo sapiens829532-8102791002y4iB653-931