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Details of interface BDP21692-0_SCOP.d1ivoa1 -- BDP21692-0_SCOP.d1ivoc_

Source: This interface is from PIBASE complex 21692
Domains subset_id class description
L domain
EGF-type module

Contacts across the interface:

This is an inter-chain interface
896 inter-atomic contacts are made across the interface within 6.05 Å
( 99 inter-atomic contacts within 4 Å , 214 within 4.5 Å , 381 within 5 Å , 586 within 5.5 Å)
7 possible hydrogen-bonds (1 salt bridges) and 0 possible disulfide bridges

Residues at the interface:

25 of the 161 residues in domain 1 participate in the interface
24 of the 47 residues in domain 2 participate in the interface

Buried solvent accessible surface area:

1502.55 Ų of solvent accessible surface area is buried at the interface
of which 650.819 Ų is polar, 851.751 Ų is nonpolar and 1303.45 Ų is from side chain and 199.11 Ų is from main chain atoms

davisf at janelia dot hhmi dot org