Phylogenetic Tree of SLC10

Phylogenetic trees were constructed using PhyML and drawn using Phylip, based on multiple sequence alignments by MUSCLE.

                                     ---  PhyML v3.0 (179M)  ---                                             
                          Copyright CNRS - Universite Montpellier II                                 
 . Sequence filename: 			slc10-muscle.fa.fas.phylip
 . Data set: 				#1
 . Tree topology search : 		Best of NNIs and SPRs
 . Initial tree: 			BioNJ
 . Model of amino acids substitution: 	LG
 . Number of taxa: 			7
 . Log-likelihood: 			-6617.44693
 . Unconstrained likelihood: 		-3388.02872
 . Parsimony: 				1307
 . Tree size: 				10.84992
 . Discrete gamma model: 		Yes
   - Number of categories: 		4
   - Gamma shape parameter: 		2.274
 . Time used 0h1m47s
 . 107 seconds
  Suggested citation:
  S. Guindon & O. Gascuel
  "A simple, fast, and accurate algorithm to estimate large phylogenies by maximum likelihood"
  Systematic Biology. 2003. 52(5):696-704.