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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

Model Details Page: SNP Information

Sequence Information

Primary Database Link Q92845
Original Database ID SN Q92845_chr1:16662247
Organism Homo sapiens
Annotation kinesin-associated protein 3 (smg
gds-associated protein)
Sequence Length 792

SNP Information

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Details for Residue E76, rs11552889
AA-Residue Variants: EG
Chromosome: chr1
    begin: 166622478
    end: 166775266
Strand: -
DNA Position: 166747603
Codon position: 2
Alleles: A/G
Not Validated

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Mutation Data
LS-SNP SNP Information available through LS-SNP
Template Structure
PDB1qgrstructure of importin beta bound to the ibb domain of importin alpha (ii crystal form, grown at low ph) ; PFAM: PF00514 PF01749 PF03810 ; SCOP: 19119
CATH1.25.10.10 Domain: 1qgrA00 Leucine-rich Repeat Variant (76%)
Target Sequence
UniProtKBQ92845Kinesin-associated protein 3 (Smg GDS-associated protein)
GenPept7657593 smg GDS-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN [Homo sapiens]
GenBankAAC50788.1 SMAP [Homo sapiens]