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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

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Search Input:database_id: Q7Z4H3
Perform Action on Selected Model(s) : 6 matches found.
Coverage Sketch Sequence
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Database AnnotationOrganismProtein
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Q6NZ49hd domain containing 2.Homo sapiens204
Q9BTT2hd domain-containing protein 2 (fragment).Homo sapiens218
Q9Y3D1cgi-130 protein.Homo sapiens170
383280376a chain a, x-ray structure of human hepatitus c virus
ns5a-transactivated protei n 2 at the resolution 1.9a,
northeast structural genomics consortium (nesg) target
Q7Z4H3.1hddc2_human recname: full=hd domain-containing protein
2; altname: full=hepatiti s c virus ns5a-transactivated
protein 2; short=hcv ns5a-transactivated protein 2
Homo sapiens204
Q9BV31hddc2 protein.Pan troglodytes, Pongo abelii,