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PIBASE: a database of structurally defined protein interfaces.

Search for complexesinterfacesdomains

That meet the following criteria: specify as much as you'd like.
* Complex properties
bdp_id: PDB code: Resolution: ≤

PDB keyword:

Topology fingerprint: SCOPCATHchain (select one)

Number of domains: Number of interfaces:

* Interface properties
Domain subset_id 1: subset_id 2:
Domain type: SCOPCATHchain (select one)
Domain class 1: class 2:
The two components should be on the same, different chains (select one)

Number of inter-domain contacts (at 6.05 Å):
Number of residues:
Buried solvent accessible surface area (SASA): Ų
Percent of buried SASA that is polar: %

Percent of interface that is unstructured: %
Percent of interface that is alpha helical: %
Percent of interface that is beta stranded: %

* Domain properties

type: SCOPCATHchain (select one)

fredpdavis at gmail dot com