#STATISTICAL MERGE: SUMMARY Ran with the following arguments: saxs_merge 25043_01C_S059_0_01.sub=10 25043_01D_S061_0_01.sub=10 25043_01F_S065_0_01.sub=10 --auto --remove_noisy --remove_redundant --outlevel=normal --stop=merging --aalpha=0.05 --bmean=Full --cmodel=normal --dalpha=0.05 --emean=Full --npoints=200 --acutoff=0.1 --creference=last --cnpoints=200 --eextrapolate=0 --blimit_fitting=240 --elimit_fitting=240 --blimit_hessian=80 --elimit_hessian=80 -v -v -v Merge file General Filename: merged.dat Number of points: 390 Data range: 0.01082 0.31525 125 points from profile 0 (25043_01C_S059_0_01.sub) 47 points from profile 1 (25043_01D_S061_0_01.sub) 218 points from profile 2 (25043_01F_S065_0_01.sub) Gaussian Process parameters mean function : Simple G : 101.362569 +- 1.380159 Rg : 18.219457 +- 14.766631 A : 2.364716 +- 11.179129 sigma2 : 16.982190 +- 0.341784 tau : 0.107106 +- 5.367019 lambda : 0.005755 +- 76.328753 Calculated Values Q1 : 0.283261 Q1.Rg : 5.160863 I(0) : 103.727411 Model Comparison : num_params -log10(Bayes Factor) -log(Posterior) -log(Likelihood) BIC AIC *Simple : 6 57.756164 129.228607 133.787993 -231.779105 -255.575985 Flat : 4 67.533318 161.424163 157.185581 -290.506574 -306.371161 Full : 8 inf 200.416578 198.710461 -349.691748 -381.420922 Generalized : 7 inf 129.395064 134.461538 -227.160048 -254.923076 Model Comparison : best model Name : Simple Number of parameters : 6 -log(Posterior) : 129.228607 -log(Likelihood) : 133.787993 Hessian matrix : G Rg A sigma2 tau lambda 1.90483952137 -14.9836574315 5.57397674457 0.0103989517137 -0.258198816945 -2.81079370481 -14.9836574315 218.053382939 -102.214342719 0.260502147632 3.44128898299 -2.80606400912 5.57397674457 -102.214342719 124.972924558 0.253436599633 15.8236684839 157.327619128 0.0103989517137 0.260502147632 0.253436599633 0.116816162882 0.703000760037 1.33791669404 -0.258198816945 3.44128898299 15.8236684839 0.703000760037 28.8048885862 -180.906810884 -2.81079370481 -2.80606400912 157.327619128 1.33791669404 -180.906810884 5826.07846607 Input file 0 General Filename: 25043_01C_S059_0_01.sub Number of points: 545 Data range: 0.00853 0.46786 1. Cleanup Number of significant points: 208 Data range: 0.01082 0.16876 2. GP parameters (values for non-rescaled curve) mean function : Flat A : 8.767892 +- 0.198191 sigma2 : 15.988742 +- 0.317495 tau : 6.672774 +- 0.497571 lambda : 0.085828 +- 56.067337 Calculated Values Q1 : 0.000000 Q1.Rg : 0.000000 I(0) : nan Hessian matrix : A sigma2 tau lambda 0.0392795840408 -0.00110259691643 0.0164816170246 -1.69459931768 -0.00110259691643 0.100803006973 -0.00135505680484 0.278414856273 0.0164816170246 -0.00135505680484 0.247577346607 -14.2664569508 -1.69459931768 0.278414856273 -14.2664569508 3143.54623855 3. Rescaling normal model gamma : 5.48117792946 4. Classification Number of valid points: 125 Data range: 0.01234 0.12374 Input file 1 General Filename: 25043_01D_S061_0_01.sub Number of points: 571 Data range: 0.00853 0.47320 1. Cleanup Number of significant points: 239 Data range: 0.01082 0.19241 2. GP parameters (values for non-rescaled curve) mean function : Flat A : 14.480452 +- 0.099617 sigma2 : 14.441571 +- 0.356490 tau : 13.942340 +- 0.253680 lambda : 0.093981 +- 70.091708 Calculated Values Q1 : 0.000000 Q1.Rg : 0.000000 I(0) : nan Hessian matrix : A sigma2 tau lambda 0.00992363853775 -0.000489981373882 0.00278190484395 0.0967540915839 -0.000489981373882 0.127085469405 -0.000680322253409 0.0676197042349 0.00278190484395 -0.000680322253409 0.0643536302356 -11.0772737043 0.0967540915839 0.0676197042349 -11.0772737043 4912.84759861 3. Rescaling normal model gamma : 3.31680033011 4. Classification Number of valid points: 47 Data range: 0.05507 0.18936 Input file 2 General Filename: 25043_01F_S065_0_01.sub Number of points: 602 Data range: 0.00853 0.47014 1. Cleanup Number of significant points: 400 Data range: 0.01082 0.31525 2. GP parameters (values for non-rescaled curve) mean function : Simple G : 107.799498 +- 1.619536 Rg : 19.094371 +- 9.861480 A : 2.667343 +- 4.671542 sigma2 : 17.080643 +- 0.305102 tau : 0.507461 +- 6.232319 lambda : 0.019610 +- 136.153780 Calculated Values Q1 : 0.314980 Q1.Rg : 6.014336 I(0) : 110.681790 Hessian matrix : G Rg A sigma2 tau lambda 2.62289528938 -10.5058939839 4.15642576032 0.0283004634405 -0.157507839012 -1.45484193032 -10.5058939839 97.2487855864 -31.5958913659 0.0165010732346 -17.2301733629 -323.000390754 4.15642576032 -31.5958913659 21.8233038421 0.00190517869081 5.82972994448 67.5125681204 0.0283004634405 0.0165010732346 0.00190517869081 0.0930875293194 0.201863259601 -7.10169767942 -0.157507839012 -17.2301733629 5.82972994448 0.201863259601 38.841802701 -212.314117802 -1.45484193032 -323.000390754 67.5125681204 -7.10169767942 -212.314117802 18537.8517095 3. Rescaling normal model gamma : 1.0 4. Classification Number of valid points: 218 Data range: 0.01082 0.31525 List of all options used for the merge: name (type) = "value" Nreps (list)= "[10, 10, 10]" aalpha (float)= "0.05" acutoff (float)= "0.1" allfiles (bool)= "False" auto (bool)= "True" baverage (bool)= "False" berror (bool)= "False" blimit_fitting (int)= "240" blimit_hessian (int)= "80" bmean (str)= "Full" bnocomp (bool)= "False" cmodel (str)= "normal" cnpoints (int)= "200" creference (str)= "last" dalpha (float)= "0.05" destdir (str)= "./" eaverage (bool)= "False" eerror (bool)= "False" eextrapolate (int)= "0" elimit_fitting (int)= "240" elimit_hessian (int)= "80" emean (str)= "Full" enocomp (bool)= "False" enoextrapolate (bool)= "False" file (list)= "['25043_01C_S059_0_01.sub=10', '25043_01D_S061_0_01.sub=10', '25043_01F_S065_0_01.sub=10']" filenames (list)= "['25043_01C_S059_0_01.sub', '25043_01D_S061_0_01.sub', '25043_01F_S065_0_01.sub']" header (bool)= "False" mergename (str)= "merged.dat" npoints (int)= "200" outlevel (str)= "normal" postpone_cleanup (bool)= "False" remove_noisy (bool)= "True" remove_redundant (bool)= "True" stop (str)= "merging" sumname (str)= "summary.txt" verbose (int)= "3"