If set, a notification will be sent once the job is completed.
The assembly density map in MRC format.
The resolution of the assembly density map in angstroms.
The dimension of a single voxel.
Consider voxels with density values above the threshold.
Optional parameters for x, y, and z origins. If not given, origins are set to 0, 0, 0.
Select if the complex is cyclic symmetric or non symmetric. Symmetry is used in the sampling procedure for cyclic symmetric structures.
The symmetry order of the ring (3 for trimer, 4 for tetramer etc.).
Upload coordinate file of the subunit in PDB format.
Reset all the input fields.
The output is a set of models that best fit the density map.
The first top 20 models are displayed as a table ranked from top-left to bottom-right and the complete list
of models is found in the transformations output file (multifit.output).
The index of the solution.
Filename of the solution
The rotation part (in quaternions) of a transformation found by a fiiting procedure.
The translation part of a transformation found by a fiiting procedure.
If anchor points matching is used, this field stores the size of the match.
If anchor points matching is used, this field stores the RMSD between the model anchor points and the density anchor points.
If anchor points matching is used, this field stores the size of the cluster of matching anchor points.
The fitting score is defined as 1 - cross correlation score.
The cross correlation (CC) score is defined as:
, where
represents all voxels
in the density grid that are within two times the map resolution from any of the atoms of
the protein; and where the total density of P at grid point i is
. The values of the CC score range from 0 to 1, where
1 indicates a perfect fit.
The rotation part (in quaternions) of a transformation found by a docking procedure.
The translation part of a transformation found by a docking procedure.
If a reference structure is provided (usually in debugging mode), a RMSD to the reference is reported.
For symmetry example in building a chaperon ring, set the input data as follows:
![]() | BioInfo3D Servers for protein structure analysis and modeling. |
![]() | EMDB Database for electron microscopy density maps. |