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ModBase: Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models

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Search Input:database_id: Q3ZCQ8
Perform Action on Selected Model(s) : 4 matches found.
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Q330K1subname: full=mitochondrial import inner membrane
translocase subunit tim50;subn ame: full=tim50l;subname:
full=timm50 protein;
Pan troglodytes, Homo sapiens240
Q3ZCQ8recname: full=mitochondrial import inner membrane
translocase subunit tim50;flag s: precursor;
Homo sapiens353
A0A024R0M6subname: full=translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane
50 homolog (yeast), is oform cra_b {eco:0000313|embl:eaw56902.1};
Homo sapiens456
73909141timm50 protein, partialHomo sapiens359