Fast SAXS Profile Computation with Debye Formula

SAXS profile plot
PDB files Profile file User e-mail iq.dat

Multi-state models from MultiFoXS

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Best scoring 2-state model χ2 = 6.37 c1 = 1.04 c2 = 0.5 show/hide weighted profile
PDB1: 1.pdb Rg = 29.04 w1 = 0.497
PDB2: 4.pdb Rg = 32.76 w2 = 0.503
Best scoring 3-state model χ2 = 2.39 c1 = 1.04 c2 = 1.06 show/hide weighted profile
PDB1: 1.pdb Rg = 29.04 w1 = 0.385
PDB2: 2.pdb Rg = 40.22 w2 = 0.401
PDB3: 3.pdb Rg = 29.69 w3 = 0.213
Best scoring 4-state model χ2 = 1.68 c1 = 1.04 c2 = 0.94 show/hide weighted profile
PDB1: 1.pdb Rg = 29.04 w1 = 0.411
PDB2: 2.pdb Rg = 40.22 w2 = 0.308
PDB3: 3.pdb Rg = 29.69 w3 = 0.149
PDB4: 4.pdb Rg = 32.76 w4 = 0.132

NEW! MultiFoXXSNow with conformational sampling and multi-state modeling, try here

If you use FoXS, please cite:

Schneidman-Duhovny D, Hammel M, Tainer JA, and Sali A. Accurate SAXS profile computation and its assessment by contrast variation experiments. Biophysical Journal 2013. 105 (4), 962-974
Schneidman-Duhovny D, Hammel M, Tainer JA, and Sali A. FoXS, FoXSDock and MultiFoXS: Single-state and multi-state structural modeling of proteins and their complexes based on SAXS profiles NAR 2016 [ FREE Full Text ]
