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SAXS profile: A file with experimental SAXS profile. The experimental file should have 3 columns: q, I(q) and error:
# q intensity error 0.00000 3280247.73 1904.037 0.00060 3280164.59 1417.031 0.00120 3279915.19 1840.032 0.00180 3279499.57 1566.084
Header lines should be preceded by #.
Please note that: q = (4π sin θ) / λ,
where 2θ is the scattering angle and λ is the wavelength of the incident X-ray beam.
If your experimental profile does not contain an error column, the server will add 5% error with Poisson distribution.
Note, lines with zero intensities are skipped. If you profile contains negative intensity values,
FoXS will read in the profile until it encounters the first negative
intensity value.
Distance constraints: The user can specify distance constraints between pairs of atoms, one in the receptor and one in the ligand. The distance constraints have to be given to the server in a text file with the following format:
[receptor_atom_index] [ligand_atom_index] [min_dist] [max_dist] ...
receptor_atom_index and ligand_atom_index are atom indices as
specified in the PDB file (make sure there is only one atom with such
index in your PDB). min_dist is the minimal distance allowed between
the two atoms and max_dist is maximal.
For example:
25 377 0.0 5.0 340 5603 5.0 10.0
this file requires that two distance constraints will be satisfied in all the docking solutions: atom with index 25 (from receptor) should be within 5Å from atom with index 377 (from ligand) and atom with index 340 (from receptor) should be at the distance 5-10Å from atom with index 5603 (from ligand).
The output of FoXSDock is a list of complex models for user specified receptor and ligand molecule. The list is presented to the user in the format of a table; each table line represents one complex model. If you didn't receive any output models, this probably means that none of the docking-generated models fits the data well.
Table Format:
If you use FoXSDock (version ), please cite:
Schneidman-Duhovny D, Hammel M, Sali A. Macromolecular docking restrained by a small angle X-ray scattering profile. J Struct Biol. 2010 [ Abstract ]Contact: